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Content 1
Recovering Couples Anonymous No longer meets at this location However, as a service to the recovering community, we list the following: RCA meets at Rockford Memorial Hospital 2400 Rockton Ave. Sunday 6:00-7:30 PM Click here for RCA World Services Website
We would love for you to join the largest and best Recovery Social Club in Rockford.We offer club memberships to members of all fellowships and their milies.We currently have approximately 190 active members as of January, 2002” The typical monthly dues are: $9.00 per individual or: $12.00 per couple, $1.00 per child member Types of…
Meeting Schedule: Tuesday 7:00 PM Thursday 7:00 PM Disclaimer: NAR-ANON IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE ALANO CLUB OF ROCKFORD IN ANY WAY. NO ENDORSEMENT EXISTS, AND NONE SHOULD BE IMPLIED NOR INFERRED FROM THE RENTAL OF THE FACILITIES. For Rockford area Narcotics Anonymous meetings and locations call: Narcotics Anonymous Helpline: 815-964-5959 Click here for NA…
Recovery Group Rental Relationship: GROUP MEETINGS ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE ALANO CLUB OF ROCKFORD IN ANY WAY. NO ENDORSEMENT EXISTS, AND NONE SHOULD BE IMPLIED NOR INFERRED FROM THE RENTAL OF THE FACILITIES. /**/ Click HERE for a Printable Club Meeting Schedule For meeting schedule corrections or changes, contact the webmaster at webmaster…
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ALANOCLUBOFROCKFORD.ORG has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy and anonymity. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this web site: ALANOCLUBOFROCKFORD.ORG ALANOCLUBOFROCKFORD.ORG may use cookies in certain applications in order to save an account password in your browser. ALANOCLUBOFROCKFORD.ORG does not use cookies to track…